About us

Founded in 1999, Chilches Materials is part of the Torrecid Group, a global leader in products and services for the ceramic, glass, plastic, refractory and foundry industries. Built on our extensive experience in producing ceramic opacifiers of exceptional quality, our service is second to none thanks to the individual touch we offer our customers, providing them with the competitive edge they need.

Our main activity is processing zircon sand to offer opacifiers with different levels of fineness worldwide.

Chilches Materials produces zircon silicate under the brand name ZIRCOCID®.

We are part of the Torrecid Group, a global multinational group of companies with…

Countries with 35 subsidiaries
Countries with customers

O U R   M I S S I O N

«Provoke CHANGE through Global Leadership in INNOVATION creating new solutions and Technological Trends and Fashion to conquer the Future, providing the greatest differentiation and the MAXIMUM ADDED VALUE»

O U R   P I L L A R S

Chilches Materials is founded on five basic pillars that drive its efforts to achieve its mission: